I’m going to show you how to activate Microsoft Office 2016. Stay in touch to get more information we will update you at the right time in the right way if we get any other product that is practical to you. Following is the list of all the products that are supported by this wonderful activator: &echo Please try installing the latest version here: bit.This is an amazing activator because it is used to activate Windows as well as multiple offices. &echo = &echo Sorry! Your version is not supported. &echo #Please consider supporting this project: &echo #Your support is helping me keep my servers running everyday !&echo.&echo =&choice /n /c YN /m "Would you like to visit my blog ?" & if errorlevel 2 exit) || (echo The connection to my KMS server failed! Trying to connect to another one. &echo #Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or concerns. &echo #How it works: bit.ly/kms-server &echo. &echo.Ĭscript //nologo ospp.vbs /act | find /i "successful " & (echo. If %i% = 3 set KMS_Sev =Ĭscript //nologo ospp.vbs /sethst: %KMS_Sev% > nul &echo = &echo. \root\Licenses16\ProPlus2019VL*.xrm-ms') do cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:".\root\Licenses16\%%x" >nul)&echo.&echo =&echo Activating your Office.&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ckms >nul&cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /setprt:1688 >nul&cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /unpkey:6MWKP >nul&cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /inpkey:NMMKJ-6RK4F-KMJVX-8D9MJ-6MWKP >nul&set i=1 Title Activate Microsoft Office 2019 ALL versions for FREE!&cls&echo =&echo #Project: Activating Microsoft software products for FREE without software&echo =&echo.&echo #Supported products:&echo - Microsoft Office Standard 2019&echo - Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019&echo.&echo.&(if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" cd /d "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16")&(if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" cd /d "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16")&(for /f %%x in ('dir /b.